CUPE 5033 Members Proudly Participate in the Halifax Pride Parade!


The weather didn’t ‘rain on our parade’! We couldn’t be more proud to have so many CUPE 5033 members & their family’s participate in this years Halifax Pride Parade with CUPE NS.
We had a great day!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to come out and support this act of solidarity !

CUPE NS 2018 Weeklong School & CUPE NS 55th Annual Convention


For any of you who attended our general membership meeting Monday, April 23, you know that we will be sending 2 members to weeklong school, May 6th-11th, to participate in Mental Health & Bargaining education.

As well, we will be sending 3 members to our division convention, May 26th-30th.

Stay tuned for a report at May’s Membership meeting from participating members for these events !